A little about me, I began as a Murdoch graduate in Marine Science and Biological science which lead me to a position in the Department of Water as essentially an environmental scientist. Almost three years and one thought provoking jaunt around South America later, I knew the life of science wasn't for me. I hung up my survey khakis and threw myself into a hobby which had always bordered on obsession, the continued and endless search for THE perfect vintage piece. I now have to-die-for vintage apparel coming out of my ears as well as a proud collection of vintage jewellery, handbags, homewares, shoes and menswear.
I stock quality items found locally and an even larger proportion imported from the US and UK. You can find my vintage treasures at the Perth Cultural Centre Markets every Saturday from 10am to 5pm. I also have a range of late 60's jewellery stocked in Wild Lily Empire on Hampden Rd, Nedlands and Oxford Street, Leederville. In addition, I upload photos regularly (some gorgeous ones from TJM Photography and some not so awesome ones taken by me) to my blog and facebook page so if your eyeballing a particular piece just drop me a line.
Well that's about all for now but I will be back soon with a some info on lush local treats. In the meantime I'll leave you with my latest made-in-Perth (in a way haha) find, my ridiculously cute Maltese Shi Tzu puppy called Indiana Jones, known to his friends as Indy. Byeee
hello tara! Indy is oozing with cuteness! I'm in love! xxx
that he is Helena, although not even his cute little face can save him when he is exploding with energy at 6am!!! into the bathroom with cutie i say.