Here are some strategies adapted from an article by Kate James on the Australian micro business website to help you manage stress and stay creative during this busy season.
1. Know your prioritiesWhat is most important to you? Make sure you plan time for activities that you find pleasurable and for the things that really matter, whether it’s spending time on ‘non-commercial’ creativity, chilling out with a magazine, or spending time with your family or friends. Sometimes you will have to make time for yourself by clearing out other obligations (refer to point 6!).
2. Choose your attitude
Have a positive outlook and believe that things will work out for the best. Close your eyes and visualise yourself being incredibly prepared for your markets. Picture:
· You being prepared with all your stock ready ahead of time, so you are relaxed and chilled out on market day
· Your stall looking fantastically professional and your goods display effectively on it
· Crowds of customers coming up and giving you positive feedback on your designs – and buying them
· You putting money into your apron/pocket/moneybelt or whatever you use on the day.
If you care to, you can use affirmations. Write down the words you want to use in the present tense, and look into a mirror while you say them ‘with feeling’. Feel free to lock yourself in the bathroom and turn music up if you feel a bit stupid at first. An example of an affirmation is “I feel very satisfied making $800 or more at the Made on the Left Market. I’m excited about how much people appreciate my work”. This might sound very ‘new age’, but there is a great deal of evidence that this works by stimulating your subconscious to make your affirmations reality!
3. Make time to relax and exercise
It’s important to pay attention to physical as well as mental relaxation; especially if you spend hours hunched over a piece of jewellery, sewing or similar! Go for a walk or a run, or even try yoga or stretching. It’s also a great time of the year to start getting up early and making the most of our fantastic beaches or swimming at a local pool before the working day begins. Exercising will give you more energy, as well as releasing endorphins that help counter stress. And of course, try to balance any chocolate fuelled creation with lots of healthy food and plenty of water, especially as it gets warmer.
4. Breathe
Well yes, we know breathing is an autonomic response and you can't really choose NOT to do it, but did you realise that taking a few deep breaths is one of the most effective ways to reduce and manage stress? Try to take deep breaths not into your chest but right down into your belly, slowing down your breathing with each breath. If you have time for nothing else, just five minutes of slow breathing each day could have a significant impact on reducing your stress.
5. Talk over problems with friends
You know the old saying ‘A problem shared is a problem halved’...reaching out to others helps you gain perspective, which will definitely help to relieve and manage your stress. Problem solving with people in a similar situation to you (such as fellow Made on the Lefters) can also help you find new solutions to issues you thought were insurmountable. It’s also important to remember how to let go of ‘issues’ once it’s time – dwelling over people or things that have hurt you or made you angry does you a lot more harm than it does to anyone else, and takes up a lot of that precious energy!
6. Know your boundaries
Learn to say ‘no.’ Be clear about your boundaries and learn how to turn down requests politely but firmly when people ask things of you that you don’t have time or energy to fit in. Sometimes we say ‘yes’ to things that we don’t want to do because we are avoiding conflict or because we like the person who asked and don’t want to let them down. The result of this is often a feeling of resentment plus increased stress through having even more on your plate. People usually understand that you have good reasons for saying ‘no’ and will appreciate all the other things you say ‘yes’ to!
7. Laugh!
Laughter is one of the best ways you can reduce and manage your stress. Catch up with a funny friend, watch your favourite TV comedy or panel show, or check out some funny movies on YouTube – whatever rings your bell. Remind yourself to lighten up and not take life so seriously.
If you have any stress-busting hints to share, we’d love to hear your comments.
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