From March 20th until April 18th, the Sail & Anchor is hosting the exhibition of April Ward for the FotoFreo exhibition that is happening in Fremantle.
But after that they hope to exhibit more artists for 8 week exhibitions.
The exhibiting space is upstairs in the hallway leading into the upstairs lounge and also some in the upstairs lounge (The Green Room) itself. They are hoping to have exhibitions that changes every 8 weeks; to give the upstairs an artsy feel, give customers something extra to enjoy at our venue and helps promote WA artists.
The criterion is that they must:
Be WA artists
Exhibit for 8 weeks at a time
Use only the hooks that are available for use
Are responsible for transportation of their artwork to and from the venue, and for hanging of their own artworks.
Understand that the Sail & Anchor takes no responsibility for loss or damage of artwork. Although they haven’t had any problems so far, it is a pub, and there is unfortunately always a chance and therefore they will not be liable for damage.
Send photos of their artwork via email to the Venue Manager so that he can make a decision on whether it is appropriate for the venue. Send low resolution images to Attention Matthew Marinich
Provide 1xA3 or/& 1xA1 size synopsis’s so that customers can read about them, their background, experience etc.
No prices are to be put on the walls; instead they ask that the artist provides A4 sheets with info on the Artwork and prices/contact details of the artist for them to handout if someone is interested in purchasing.
There are approx 30 hooks in the upstairs hallway and lounge areas. 26 of which could hold smaller artworks (eg 54cmx54cms) and 4 hooks that could hold larger artworks.
There are also approx 1x large space and 2x small spaces for RED ARTWORK ONLY, for the Red Room Bar and Red Room Function Room, on the off chance there may be some red artworks suitable.
They would love artists to come down and look at the space available before making up their mind to exhibit here. So just call the venue 94311666 and ask to speak to Rosie or alternatively the manager on duty if she is not on the premises.