OUR mission statement
MADE ON THE LEFT was founded in 2008 by independent designers to support Western Australian creative talent. We hold bi-annual handmade craft markets to showcase local designers.
Being on the left hand side of
means you'll be at a disadvantage.
Our aim is to support all creative designers and events showcasing independent labels. MOTL is a not-for-profit, non-partisan organisation. You may wonder why we promote other markets besides MOTL; it’s because it’s not about us, its about you; the buyers and sellers of indie wares. Here at the blog, you’ll discover up to date information about our latest market, the low-down on some of
Wednesday, September 30
Reminder - Made on the Left Christmas Market Filling Fast
Last year's participants will be able to tell you that the Christmas market was a winner for stallholders and visitors alike, and this year we are building on the success of the July market to offer two days of different stallholders for *extra* handmade goodness.
In coming weeks look out for the unveiling of the Christmas market poster art, plus the coordination of our Christmas Charity raffle for Charitylink.
Tuesday, September 29
Clever Colour Workshop
Swap O Rama coming to Perth!! Artist Open Call
DATE: 5th December 2009
TIME: 10:00 -4:00
LOCATION: City Farm, East Perth
CONTACT: Sandra Bryans
0437 176 629
"There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness." Gandhi
Join in the communal process of reuse and celebrate our collective creativity! You are invited to participate in Swap-O-Rama-Rama as staff. Swap-O-Rama-Rama is a giant clothing swap and series of do-it-yourself workshops in which a community explores reuse and creativity through the recycling of used clothing. At Swap-ORama-Rama consumers are taught to be creators and this transformation takes place through the local talent in the community. Swap-O-Rama-Rama is seeking artists of all calibers, recyclers and creatives of all kinds for the following roles:
publicity, artist taught DIY workshops, designer run sewing stations, silk screening, fashion show production, reuse designers for a recycled fashion show, sorters (get first dibs on clothes) and general help.
Publicity: If you can help with print and other media publicity, we'd love your help promoting this exciting event.
DIY Workshops: If you have a unique skill that transforms would be trash into a wearable item (clothing/jewelry/handbag etc.) please consider bringing this to Swap-O-Rama-Rama in the form of a DIY workshop.
Sewing Station/Fashion Show: If you're a whiz behind a sewing machine and work with reuse, consider being a Swap-O-Rama-Rama designer helping people learn how to mod the used clothing they find at the swap. And join the Swap-O-Rama-Rama fashion show and show off your creations.
Fashion Show production: If you can co-ordinate and manage a dynamic, freestyle fashion show, we'd love your ideas and input.
Silk Screen Crew: If you're a silk screener and would like to join the silk screening crew, offering your fresh designs to bring used clothes back to life, please get in touch!
Music: What's a party without music? If you are a DJ or have a band, we'd love to hear from you.
Example: Previous workshops - http://gaiatreehouse.com/makerfaire07.htm
Previous Swap Images: http://gaiatreehouse.com/makerfaire/luizaleite/luizaleite.html
Previous Fashion Show Images: http://gaiatreehouse.com/makerfaire/luizaleitefs/luizaleitefs.html
About Swap-O-Rama-Rama: http://swaporamarama.org
Swap-O-Rama-Rama is a Creative Commons Project: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
Treehugger Pod Cast: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2006/03/treehugger_tv_t_1.php
"This Swap-O-Rama-Rama event is part of an international network of non-profit events created by Wendy Tremayne and protected under a Creative Commons License."
Sunday, September 27
Bridgetown Christmas at Home Fair & Market - Stallholder Callout

Christmas at Home Fair
Saturday December 5, 2009
The Christmas at Home Fair is a free community event that will bring together local exhibitors in a day that celebrates quality and craftsmanship. Set in
Children will have the opportunity to create their own Christmas decorations as well as other workshops including Christmas Peg Dolls, Hand Made Christmas Cards and Old Fashioned Christmas Crackers.
Take a visit to the Tea Rooms and sample Christmas Pudding served with fresh preserves from our local orchards, home made shortbread and freshly baked mince pies.
Some of our finest producers will be on display so bring your Christmas list and you may just find an extra special gift. Highlights of the day will include classical music from local musicians and the drawing of our Christmas raffle. This will be a day of traditional and contemporary art and craft for all the family.
Applications for Stall Holders are available from the Bridgetown/Greenbushes Tourism Centre or through the committee at bacf@westnet.com.au
Thursday, September 24
Infinite delights unleashed by local illustrator

Lekias’s chic but hollow characters are caught in actions that belie their stylish presentation. Streams of sugar gliders burst from pimples, party girls vomit a technicolour variety of whale breeds and hundreds of fainting couches trickle from a bleeding nose.
A strong sense of the ridiculous and bizarre pervades the black and white ink illustrations, which are illuminated with vivid splashes of watercolour in lolly-like hues. Rich in symbolism, the works draw on dreams, memories and the artist’s personal narrative to explore themes including childhood and an innocent fascination with bodily functions.
Lekias describes the main theme of the exhibition as the expression of a total loss of control.
“The characters I draw have no real will or power of their own, but act as narrative vehicles inhabiting a surreal, dream-like world”.
“They are subject to the normal bodily functions that we don't usually talk about and keep hidden behind the scenes, but with strange but beautiful twists.”
Lekias’ work also adorns album covers and promotional pieces for local band Sugar Army.
Tuesday, September 15
November Market Artist Preview Applications Open
We at Made on the Left are pleased as punch to announce the:

Applications to be part of our artist preview are now open, preference will be given to stallholders who will have a table at the November market, but past Made on the Left sellers are also encouraged to apply.
Please visit our website for the application form, and contact Lauren with any questions.
Perth Integrated Health Clinic Cycling Festival - Stallholder Callout
Saturday, September 12
Striking a Balance
Friday, September 11
Miss Johnson's Vintage and Handmade Market - Stallholder Callout

Miss Johnson's Vintage and Handmade Market is being held in Guildford on the 30th and 31st of October. Trading hours will be 6pm to 9pm Friday evening and Saturday 9.30 to 4.30. This unique market is for vintage and collectibles and vintage inspired handmade crafts.
While this is for original vintage items they also have vintage inspired handmade crafts, and are now looking for more stall holders that make vintage styled crafts.
If you would like more information about joining us and having a stall please email quilt@touch88.com.au or jstables@bigpond.net.au
Thursday, September 10
Ellenbrook Festival - Artist / Stallholder Opportunities
Bayswater Community Street Festival - Stallholders Wanted
Oppurtunity for Artist Run Initiative in Midland

Artsource have just taken over a building in Midland for artists studios – and there is also a ground floor former retail space that we would like to offer to creative projects. I thought you may be interested in the info – either for your collective or for other artists that may be looking for interesting spaces to sell and/or exhibit their work.
What do you think?
{ MIDLAND – Artist Run Space/Exhibition Space }
Junction Building, 1 Old Great Northern Highway, Midland.
75m2 space of street level frontage (formerly a retail space). $110/week.
Artists or artist run initiatives encouraged to apply for exhibition programs/gallery/retail activities.
The space needs to be run by and benefit Western Australian visual artists! A great opportunity for creative endeavours.
For information contact loretta@artsource.net.au or 9335 8366.
Tuesday, September 8
Spotlight on GetFelt
Spotlight on Yojiki

Monday, September 7
Outskirts and The Cultural Centre Markets
Some lovely snaps of people/stalls who have previously been part of Made on the Left, showcasing their wares at Saturdays Outskirts market!
and their goodies:
Keep an eye out for some more local west-aussie talent at the upcoming Perth Upmarket, held this coming Sunday at the Perth Town Hall, details here.
Unwrapped: Perth Fashion Festival Sunday 6 September

Saturday, September 5
Finding Inspiration